The links between democracy and new technologies have become crucial in a connected world that listens to the noise of social networks. The threats are real, as voices of opposition to democracy become more structured and organized. At the same time, new technologies are a powerful tool for transmitting knowledge, expressing ideas and deploying democracy. Democratic innovation in Africa is largely based on the rise of digital technology. Putting new information and communication technologies at the service of the democratic project, and developing solutions to equip collectives and increase cooperation links, is a crucial challenge. Developing critical thinking about these tools is the first step in producing alternative content.
This itinerant school is a targeted educational program, organized in partnership with African and international institutions (AfricTivistes en lead), which will train new generations of activists. Open to around 30 people each year, it will combine reflection on the issues at stake, the acquisition of technical knowledge, the sharing of experience and a creative laboratory. It will be prepared by online debates, and the production and distribution of educational tools. It will be extended by the creation of a community.